Ergebnisse & Veröffentlichungen
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- [HLRS1] - Resch, M., Roller, S., Lammers, P., S., Furui, T., Galle, M., Bez, W. (Eds.) High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2007, Springer, 2007.
- [HLRS2] - Harald Klimach, Sabine P. Roller, Jens Utzmann and Claus-Dieter Munz: Parallel Coupling of Heterogeneous Domains with KOP3D using PACX-MPI, Track No: 1126, Proceedings Parallel CFD 2007 May 21-24, Antalya Turkey
- [HLRS3] - Sabine Roller: InGrid - Innovative Grid Developments for Engineering Applications, inside, Vol. 4 No. 1, Spring 2006
- [HLRS4] - E. Gabriel, S. Feki, K. Benkert, M. Chaarawi. The Abstract Data and Communication Library, submitted for publication in Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology, Special Issue on Computational Science for Medicine, Energy, and Environment Applications (accepted).
- [HLRS5] - Rainer Keller, Markus Liebing, 'Using PACX-MPI in MetaComputing applications', 18th Symposium Simulationstechnique, Erlangen, Sept. 12.-15., 2005.
- [HLRS6] - Bettina Krammer, Katrin Bidmon, Matthias S. Müller, Michael M. Resch. "MARMOT: An MPI Analysis and Checking Tool", Parallel Computing 2003 , Published in PARALLEL COMPUTING: Software Technology, Algorithms, Architectures & Applications, Ed. Joubert, Nagel, Peters, Walter, pp. 493-500, Elsevier, 2004.
- [HLRS7] - Edgar Gabriel and Shuo Huang, Runtime Optimization of Application Level Communication Patterns, 12th International Workshop on High-Level Parallel Programming Models and Supportive Environments, held in conjunction with IPDPS 2007, Long Beach, CA, March 26th 2007.
- [HLRS8] - Katharina Benkert, Edgar Gabriel, and Michael M. Resch, 'Outlier Detection in Performance Data of Parallel Applications', in Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing, held in conjunction with the IPDPS 2008, Miami, Fl, USA, March 2008.
- [HLRS9] - Edgar Gabriel, Saber Feki, Katharina Benkert, and Michael M. Resch, 'Towards Performance and Portability through Runtime Adaption for High Performance Computing Applications', accepted for publication at the International Supercomputing Conference, June 17-20, 2008, Dresden, Germany.
- [IAG1] - M. Dumbser and C.-D. Munz: ADER Discontinuous Galerkin schemes for aeroacoustics, CRAS Mécanique 333 (2005), 683-687
- [IAG2] - J. Utzmann, T. Schwartzkopff, M. Dumbser, C.-D. Munz: Heterogeneous domain decomposition for computational aeroacoustics, AIAA Journal 44 (2006), 2231-2250
- [IAG3] - M. Dumbser and C.-D. Munz: Building blocks for arbitrary high order discontinuous Galerkin schemes, Journal of Scientific Computing 27 (2006), 215-230
- [IAG4] - M. Dumbser and C.-D. Munz: On source terms and boundary conditions using arbitrary high order discontinuous Galerkin schemes, Int. J. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci 17 (2007), 101-114
- [IAG5] - D.S. Balsara, C. Altmann, C.-D. Munz, M. Dumbser: A sub-cell based indicator for troubled zones in RKDG schemes and a novel class of hybrid RKDG-HWENO schemes, J. Comput. Phys. 226 (2007), 586-620
- [IAG6] - C.-D. Munz, M. Dumbser, S. Roller: Linearized acoustic perturbation equations for low Mach number flow with variable density and temperature. J. Comput. Phys. 224 (2007), 352-364
- [IAG7] - F. Lörcher, G. Gassner, C.-D. Munz: A discontinuous Galerkin scheme based on a space- time expansion. I. Inviscid compressible flow in one space dimension, Journal of Scientific Computing 32 (2007), 175-199.
- [IAG8] - F. Lörcher, G. Gassner, C.-D. Munz: A discontinuous Galerkin scheme based on a space- time expansion. II. Viscous compressible flow in multi space dimensions, Journal of Scientific Computing 34 (2008), 260-286
- [IAG9] - G. Gassner, F. Lörcher, C.-D. Munz: A contribution to the construction of diffusion fluxes for finite volume and discontinuous Galerkin schemes. J. Comput. Phys. 224 (2007), 1049- 1063
- [IAG10] - F. Lörcher, G. Gassner, C.-D. Munz: An explicit discontinuous Galerkin scheme with local time-stepping for general unsteady diffusion equations, J. Comput. Phys. 227 (2008), 5649- 5670
- [AIA1] - Rütten, F., Schröder, W., and Meinke, M., LES of Low Frequency Oscillations of the Dean Vortices in Turbulent Pipe Bend Flows, Physics of Fluids 17, 2005.
- [AIA2] - Guo, X., Schröder, W., and Meinke, M., Large-eddy simulations of film cooling flows", Computers and Fluids 35, 587-606, 2006.
- [AIA3] - Renze, P., Schröder, W., and Meinke, M., Large-Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling Flows at Density Gradients, to appear in Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow, 2008.
- [AIA4] - Ewert, R. and Schröder, W., Acoustic perturbation equations based on flow decomposition via source filtering, J Comput Phys.188, 365-398, 2003.
- [AIA5] - Bui, T. Ph., Schröder, W., and Meinke, M., Acoustic perturbation equations for reacting flows to compute combustion noise, Int. Journal of Aeroacoustics 6, 335-355, 2007.
- [AIA6] - Gröschel, E., Schröder, W., Renze, P., Meinke, M., and Comte, P., “Noise prediction for a turbulent jet using different hybrid methods, in press in Computers and Fluids, 2008.
- [AIA7] - Meinke, M., Schröder, W., Krause, E., Rister, Th.: A Comparison of Second- and Sixth-Order Methods for Large-Eddy Simulations, Computers & Fluids, Vol. 31, pp. 695-718, 2002.
- [AIA8] - Rütten, F., Schröder, W., Meinke, M.: LES of Low Frequency Oscillations of the Dean Vortices in Turbulent Pipe Bend Flows, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 17, Issue 2, 035107, 2005.
- [AIA9] - Schröder, W., Meinke, M., Schvorak, A.: Large-Eddy Simulations of Accelerated Pipe Flows, Computational Fluid Dynamics JOURNAL, 2001.
- [AIA10] - Alkishriwi, N., Meinke, M., Schröder, W.: A Large-Eddy Simulation Method for Low Mach Number Flows Using Preconditioning and Multigrid, Computers and Fluids, 35, 1126-1136, 2005.
- [AIA11] - Ewert, R., Schröder, W.: On the Simulation of Trailing Edge Noise with a Hybrid LES/APE Method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 270, pp. 509-524, 2004.
- [AIA12] - El-Askary, W.A., Schröder, W., Meinke, M.: LES of Compressible Wall-Bounded Flows, AIAA Paper 2003-3554, 2003.
- [AIA13] - Ewert, R., Meinke, M., Schröder, W.: Aeroacoustic source terms for the linearized Euler- equations, in Proceedings 6th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2000, AIAA Paper 2000-2046.
- [AIA14] - Ewert, R., Schröder, W., Meinke, M., El-Askary, M.A.: LES as a Basis to Determine Sound Emission, AIAA Paper 2002-0568, Jan., 2002.
- [AIA15] - Ewert, R., Zhang, Q., Schröder, W., Delfs, J.: Computation of Trailing Edge Noise of a 3D Lifting Airfoil in Turbulent Subsonic Flow, AIAA Paper 2003-3114, 2003.
- [AIA16] - Bui, T.Ph., Meinke, M., Schröder, W.: A hybrid method for combustion noise based on LES and APE, AIAA Paper 2005-3014, 2005.