The goal of this work package is to merge micro and macroscopic simulation programs CASTS and MICRESS into the Gridtechnologie in order to make collaborative engineering possible on both levels. The ernorme computing time need of a simulation on several scales is to be made available by distributed counting and the utilization of the ad-hoc-Grid-concept. The programs are to be able to use the options of the Grid for the distributed product- and process optimization and for the support of the decision-making processes by knowledge-based systems. On a multi-scale process optimization or an analysis within the foundry range can be involved up to five persons or working groups, who can work on different locations and have different hardware.
1. the casting engineer (foundry leader) who wants to manufacture a component with good structure quality
2. the quality engineer who is well-versed in material properties, possess the measuring technique for this and controls the casting quality.
3. the computation specialist for the macro simulation who knows the macro simulation software well and examines the correct definition of this simulation via intial-and boundary conditions.
4. the computation specialist for the micro simulation who -analog- knows the crucial factors for the micro simulation and supervises here the simulation.
5. the specialist for computer-aided optimization who supports the optimization of process parameters by efficient optimization algorithms.
A goal of this working point is it to realize prototypically a Grid based working environment in which these five groups can set up interactive simulations and discuss their results until the physical occurence is understood or the casting process is optimized. Therbey they should not have to leave their working environment with different computer environments.