Animation of a simulated inflow atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) with a wind turbine using Winc3D
For the simulation of wind turbines in turbulent inflow conditions, HLRS is using the code WInc3D (WInc3D on GitHub), an open-source wind farm simulation framework that allows detailed analyses of wake–to–wake and turbine–to–wake interactions developed by the project partner Imperial College London. WInc3D is based on Incompact3D, itself also an open-source code.
The animation shows a simulated inflow atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) with a wind turbine using Winc3D. The flow conditions and the wind turbines specifications are from the SWiFT Benchmarks. The contour plot at the vertical plane crossing the wind turbine is shown along with a representation of the wind turbine using an isosurface of the forcing term of the actuator line model.
The simulation shows a typical turbulent boundary layer flow, where the flow structures are concentrated near the ground. This is in agreement with the method used for the turbulent flow, using a precursor simulation with cyclic boundary conditions.
Simulation and Animation: Flavio Galeazzo / HLRS