EU and Brazil - bringing Wind Energy Simulation towards Exascale
The goal of HPCWE is to address the following key open challenges in applying HPC on wind energy:
- efficient use of HPC resources in wind turbine simulations, via the development and implementation of novel algorithms. This leads to the development of methods for verification, validation, uncertainty quantification (VVUQ) and in-situ scientific data interpretation;
- accurate integration of meso-scale atmosphere dynamics and micro-scale wind turbine flow simulations, as this interface is the key for accurate wind energy simulations. In HPCWE a novel scale integration approach will be applied and tested through test cases in a Brazil wind farm;
- adjoint-based optimization, which implies large I/O consumption as well as storing data on large-scale file systems. HPCWE research aims at alleviating the bottlenecks caused by data transfer from memory to disk
The HPCWE consortium consists of 11 partners representing the top academic institutes, HPC centres and industries in Europe and Brazil. By exploring this collaboration, this consortium will develop novel algorithms, implement them in state-of-the-art codes and test the codes in academic and industrial cases to benefit the wind energy industry and research in both Europe and Brazil.
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Beneficiaries of the Project
HPCWE’s innovation will directly and indirectly impact a wide range of beneficiaries

Wind Energy Research Groups
Advanced numerical algorithms and software to accurately model windturbine flow, unveil new fluid flow physics and identify future research topics in wind energy.
Wind Energy Industries and Consultancies
The HPC tools developed in the project will reshape many industrial practices and the R&D activities in wind energy.
Fluid Flow Simulation Research Groups
The innovation in new algorithms and methods in both micro-scale CFD and meso-scale weather simulation will allow new and larger problems to be simulated.
HPC Resource Service Providers
The improved performance and power efficiency of fluid simulation in wind energy, micro-scale CFD and meso-scale weather simulation.
You are a company form the wind energy sector interested in working together with us? You are an interested researcher? You have general questions on our work? Or none of the above? Please go ahead, leave us a message and we’ll get in touch soon!
The HPCWE project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (H2020) under grant agreement number 828799