S(o)OS Deliverables


S(o)OS D5.2 - Future Requirements Assessment - Executive Summary

This document assesses the expected development in the area of (large scale) computing infrastructures expected in the future from different standpoints, with a particular focus on the main IT tiers, namely hardware (across all layers), communication (including protocols ), middleware (with a main focus on Operating Systems), and applications (including their programmability). We shall thereby distinguish between their structure and their usage, i.e. between the goals pursued by the manufacturers and the requirements posed by the users.

This document therefore investigates the problem from three major perspectives:

(1) the short-term developments to be expected in the major tiers.

(2) the long term development to be expected in these domains.

(3) theusage trends to be expected in the long term future and their impact on computing infrastructures in the sense of which systems best suit the respective needs.

This document constitutes the output of the S(o)OS Project Tasks T2.2, T3.2, T4.2 and T5.2 on “Future Requirements Assessment”.


S(o)OS Deliverable D5.2 - Future Requirements Assessment.