On March 27.+28., 2007, the joint D-Grid workshop on security was held by In-Grid, MediGrid and DGI. Participants from In-Grid, MediGrid, DGI
On March 21.+22., 2006, the joint D-Grid workshop on security was held by In-Grid, MediGrid and DGI.
Participants from In-Grid, MediGrid, DGI, as well as from C3, TextGrid, and Astro discussed a wide range of topics related to security aspects in Grid
In-Grid is one of six community projects in the German D-Grid initiative, funded by the Ministry for Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung). In-Grid will enable engineering projects for Grid-based application and efficient use of common compute and software resources.
Only by use of Grid technologies, the necessary ressources like computers, file systems, software tools, information systems and fast secure network connections can be combined in the required form to help researchers, developers, producers and users solving their individual tasks. In-Grid is based on six prototype applications in the fields of coupled multiscale problems, coupled multidisciplinary simulations and distributed simulation based optimization. Adaptive and scalable process models and runtime environments are to be developed. The aim is to give the user simulation-based tools on different levels of complexity.