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Deliverables  (40)
Documents produced as part of the project work, sorted by by due date.
Presentations  (27)
Akogrimo presentation material, sorted by event date.
Software  (0)
Videos  (18)
Akogrimo videos, TV- and radio-show recordings, sorted by event date.
White Papers and Publications  (24)
Akogrimo white papers, publications, articles, press releases etc., sorted by publication date.

There are 109 Downloads and 5 Categories in the database
Last added Downloads

  2007/01 Updated Architecture Evaluation Report (D5.3.3) 
Description: Deliverable D5.3.3 presents the evaluation of the final architecture design. The results have the goal of providing final feedbacks to be taken into account for further improvements of Akogrimo infrastructure after the end of the project. This document evaluates if provided recommendations have been addressed by the updated architecture design. The analysis shows that most of the identified weaknesses have been covered even if areas for further improvements still exist. In particular, it is clear that several changes have been introduced to provide features for improving non-functional requirements such as availability, scalability, and performance, but some additional work needs to be done to allow the exploitation of Akogrimo results in real life applications.
Filesize: 502.83 Kb
Added on: 25-Oct-2007
Downloads: 1336
Category: Deliverables
  2007/09 Update on Akogrimo Training Activities (D8.1.2) 
Description: Activity 8 of Akogrimo is devoted to provide training related to achieved concepts, technologies, and results. This activity specifically focuses on academia, providing courses on Akogrimo concepts and results, and industry, providing courses on Akogrimo application. Deliverable D8.1.2 updated the training activities and related events that have taken place from month 22 of the project until the end. Earlier training activities were described in deliverable D8.1.1. In this period, training has focused on explaining the main results and contributions of the project, both from an academia and from an industry point of view, taking into account potential practitioners of the Akogrimo platform.
Filesize: 652.63 Kb
Added on: 24-Oct-2007
Downloads: 1220
Category: Deliverables
  2006/09/06 BPOKI'06 
Description: Akogrimo paper presented at BPOKI'06 (Business Process Oriented Knowledge Infrastructures), at I-KNOW '06, 6 September 2006, Graz, Austria: "Roadmap to Akogrimo Convergence: A Sample of Process Oriented Knowledge Management with PROMOTE®".
Filesize: 184.56 Kb
Added on: 21-Oct-2007
Downloads: 1659
Category: White Papers and Publications
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