ISC'07 Best Poster Award for ParMA
The winner of the research poster award is our "The ParMA Project" poster by Bettina Krammer from HLRS, Germany. The poster has been nominated by 42% of the returned evaluation forms.
Poster Title: The ParMA project
Poster Submitter
First Name: Bettina
Last Name: Krammer
Affiliation: HLRS
Phone: +4971168565890
Abstract Summary: ParMA (Parallel Programming for Multi-core Architectures) is
a new ITEA-funded project starting 1 june 2007 and involving 17 partners from
France, Germany, Spain and UK. ParMA aims at developing advanced technologies
for exploiting parallel computing by exploring commonalities between HPC,
Multi-Core and MPSoC (Multi-Processor System on Chip) programming environments
and leveraging relevant technology and methodology between these domains. The
main tasks will consist in evolving design and programming models for parallel
applications, providing parallel programming tools (debuggers, optimisers,
correctness tools) that apply to any application domain and any parallel
architecture, pushing operating systems to support new multi-core
architectures and demonstrating the technology in various application domains
(HPC applications, avionics, virtual reality for manufacturing processes,