about the project

For the ITEA2/ParMA project, TELECOM & Management SudParis seeks an expert in High Performance Computing for a 18 month contract.


The goal of the ParMA (PARallel programming for Multi-core Architectures) project is to take advantage of multi-core architectures to enhance the performances of parallel and mainstream applications. The objective is, from a common expression of parallelism in the source code, to automatically produce hybrid executable code
dedicated to distributed memory architecture plateforms made of multi-core processors.

Job description:

  • Designing a software infrastructure to produce executable code for a distributed memory architecture (message passing) made of multi-core processors (threads) from a source code containing compilation directives (à la OpenMP),
  • Developing the software to validate the concepts designed in the previous step,
  • Testing the developed software on benchmarks and on the code of applications provided by PARMA project partners.

Expected skills and knowledge:

  • Experienced computer science engineer or post-doc,
  • Good knowledge of theory and practice of High Performance Computing,
  • Good knowledge of parallel programming (with MPI and OpenMP) and compilation.


  • Type: fixed term contract
  • Duration: 18 months,
  • Contract starting date: open position,
  • Salary: around 2500 euros per month,
  • Location: TELECOM & Management SudParis - 9, rue Charles Fourier - 91011 EVRY CEDEX (30km south of Paris) - FRANCE.

How to apply:

  • Application letter (pdf format): including CV, names of referees, letters of recommendation
  • Selection: letters and interviews,
  • Deadline: as soon as possible,
  • Contact: This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it / +33 1 60 76 45 65
Last modified: Wed Jan 24 17:31:23 CET 2007