DetailsCEA, the French Atomic Energy Commission, is a Research Institute in the fields of energy, defence, technologies of information and healthcare. Inside CEA, the LIST is the Lab of Research on software-intensive technologies (based near Paris at Saclay and Fontenay-aux-Roses); it is a key software systems and technology research centre working in three areas: embedded systems (architecture and design of systems, methods and facilities for software and system dependability, and intelligent vision systems); interactive systems (knowledge engineering, robotics, virtual reality and sensorial interfaces) and signal detection and processing (ionizing radiation metrology and instrumentation, optical fibre sensors and non-destructive testing). With the strong project-centred culture of its 450 researchers, the LIST performs research work in partnership with the major industrial players in the nuclear, automotive, aeronautical, defence and medical fields and thus investigates and develops innovative solutions corresponding to their requirements. The LIST, which is actively engaged in research work extending from conceptual design of systems to pre-industrial prototypes, contributes to the transfer of technology and encourages innovation.
Within the CEA LIST, The Embedded Real-Time System Foundations laboratory (LaSTRE) conducts studies in:
- Highly parallel system architectures (multi/manycore);
- Execution frameworks allowing to improve and control their performances and resource allocation;
- Development tools (compilation, code generation, resource sizing, and analysis).
The LaSTRE current research interest, that meets the H4H objectives, deals with the crossfertilization of HPC and embedded technologies.