
Publication Details PU-19 - `A Semantic Approach to Enhance Service Composition in Workflows that use Mobile Services.´

15 May 2007; Robert B. Piotter, Tom Kirkham, Julian Gallop, Ian Johnson, Damian Mac Randal, Brian Ritchie

The successful execution of workflows using mobile services is dependant on the services behaving as expected. The management of this behaviour in Akogrimo is achieved by a context management framework bridging both the network and Grid Middleware. The quality of the information that passes over this link is essential to the whole Akogrimo application. In order to ensure relevant and specific context information is used in Akogrimo the development of mechanism to aid network to middleware service to service understanding is essential. In creating such a mechanism the concept of self similarity in creating understanding between services is essential. The challenges and issues when applying this process to Akogrimo’s unique mix of services are discussed in this paper.

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7th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid07), ISBN 0-7695-2833-3, copyright IEEE

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