
Publication Details PU-29 - `The evolving use of Service Level Agreements and the influence of Trust within the support and development of Grids to enable a next generation of business models´

17 September 2007; Francesco D’Andria, Josep Martrat, Tom Kirkham, Syed Naqvi, Julian Gallop, Alvaro Arenas

This paper looks at the changing nature and the relationship of trust and Service Level Agreements (SLA) in emerging Grid Computing business application environments when compared to traditional computing notions of trust and SLA in computing. Initially using the mobile Grid project Akogrimo as an example, the paper illustrates new challenges facing SLA support and use. Particularly around the negotiation of SLA’s and the support needed during the lifespan of a typical SLA, trends in this analysis illustrate how SLA is increasingly being seen as a more flexible notion. In the latter parts of the paper, we relate the evolution of SLA to the change in the use of notions of trust in computing environments. This again is demonstrated by using Next Generation Grid (NGG) applications as examples that have moved trust from the conceptual to the contractual, bringing both trust and SLA together. This shift is demonstrated using work from projects such as TrustCom and GridTrust.

SLA, Trust, Mobility, Grid, Negotiation

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proceedings of Service Oriented Computing: a look at the Inside (SOC@Inside′07), ISBN 978-92-79-06626-9

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