26-28 June 2006; T. Kirkham, J. Gallop, I. Johnson, D. Mac Randal, B. Ritchie, T. Varsamidis
This paper presents an application of a Grid Service architecture to address the challenges of e-Business integration in mobile computing environments. The design is developed by combining the core services in an e-Business integration grid, with the core services from a grid that supports mobility. The presented architecture highlights key services that can be added to existing non-mobile Grid Service architectures to allow support for mobility. The paper presents the results of an investigation into the key service links that need to be maintained through the network layer, middleware layer and application layer in order to provide Grid applications that use mobile services. The paper concludes with an outline of future work and open issues in the development of mobile e-Business integration applications.
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Proceedings of the 15th IEEE Int. Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises (WETICE′06), pages 143-148, copyright IEEE
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