
Publication Details PU-15/2 - `Process-Logic Based Value Networks for Mobile Grid Technology as Business Collaboration Infrastructure´

end of 2006; Martin Hafner, Christian Loos, Stefan Kirn

Business models in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) domain must be evolved when innovative technologies emerge. To perform this in a dependable way, empirical studies (e.g. market studies or workshops with business and technology experts) must be complemented by means of deductive approaches based on economic theories. In this paper a corresponding approach is introduced leading from empirically identified value network participants to a clear theory-based understanding of business interaction in value networks that will not be established before long terms of time but that have to be described exactly because of early investment decisions by potential partners providing the respective innovative technology. Thus, a framework for analysing each value network participant’s relationships is introduced and applied in the context of mobile grid technology leading to a confirmed process-logically structured value network.

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Exploiting the Knowledge Economy: Issues, Applications, Case Studies (IOS Press, ISBN 1-58603-682-3, editors P. Cunningham, M. Cunningham)

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