
Publication Details PU-11 - `Roadmap to Akogrimo Convergence: A Sample of Process Oriented Knowledge Management with PROMOTE®´

6 September 2006; Robert Woitsch, Wilfrid Utz

Akogrimo is an FP6 EC-Project that implements a mobile Grid middleware. Beside the grid and mobile related challenges there are also interesting knowledge management questions to be addressed. The first knowledge management challenge is to coordinate the distributed software development of 13 partner organisations in Europe in a highly sophisticated domain. The second challenge is to support developers that want to use the open source Akogrimo middleware to build their own services on top. Both challenges are approached applying Process-Oriented Knowledge Management with PROMOTE® requiring an integration with the so-called “Roadmap to Akogrimo Convergence”. This roadmap has to guide developers in moving from traditional development infrastructures to the innovative Akogrimo platform. A modelling framework supports the developers in using, adapting of integrating the Akogrimo middleware and links the above knowledge management approach. The following article introduces the modelling framework and focuses on the knowledge modelling approach. Sample models making the expert knowledge explicit are discussed and the procedure of knowledge acquisition is introduced. In this scenario PROMOTE® is used as an index to navigate within the Akogrimo knowledge.

Process-Oriented Knowledge Management, Knowledge Intensive Business Processes

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JUCS Proceedings (Journal of Universal Computer Science) Proceedings of I-Know′06

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